Shiny Minds are enlightened minds. When we have Shiny Minds, we combine the power of our mind with the wisdom of our heart. We make conscious, heartfelt and wise decisions. We become better. We serve the world better. Build yourself a Shiny Mind and maximize your true potential with the science-backed strategies from NLP, Neuroscience, ICF Coaching, Leadership, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Heart Science, Positive Psychology, Quantum Physics, Metaphysics, Cosmology and my very own Neuro-Shine Technology™. And let’s make this world a better place, with more love ❤️and #ShinyMinds ... ShinyUnsal.com
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
How to Reframe Negative Emotions
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Hello everyone,
We are talking about emotions today. Specifically about how to reframe our negative emotions to stay positive in our life.
Reframing is a very powerful mindset tool in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to transform anything less than empowering into definitely empowering!🚀
It's absolutely very important for all of us to leverage this NLP tool every single day in our communications with ourselves and others, in order to feel empowered, in charge and take full responsibility of our lives.
As a Licensed Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming®, I feel responsible to inform everyone about the impact of their thoughts, language and how they deal with their emotions on their mental health and overall happiness in life.
And I have a few tips to share with you about how to reframe your negative emotions.
If you're ready, let's begin!
Made with love for a better world, with more LOVE ❤️ and #shinyminds.
Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
4 Reasons Why You Need To Turn Your Sentences Into Questions
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Hello everyone,
Today I'd love to shine those neurons of yours by talking about QUESTIONS, to be more specific, why you need to communicate with question marks instead of periods.
You know how you start a conversation and it is going well. All of a sudden something happens and before you even realize what happens, you are in an argument:
Perhaps, you are not intentionally creating this, obviously... But for some reason your selection of words, your tonality and your body language in your sentences created that undesired outcome.
I have 4 reasons why you need to turn those sentences of yours into questions to avoid these problems.
If you're ready, let's go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #shinyminds ...
By Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
4 Exceptional Leadership Skills
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Hello everyone,
I've been teaching Leadership Communication Strategies at UCLA Extension since 2012. So I have a lot to say when it comes to leadership but I'm gonna keep it at four items so that we can really narrow it down and I can give you some very juicy, delicious, exceptional leadership skills.
If you are ready, let's go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds in it...
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
5 Ideas To Get And Stay Motivated
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Hello everyone,
Today I'd love to talk about motivation!
Why do I want to talk about motivation? Because we need it. More than ever now.
You know, we live in the Covid-19 shaped world right now, we cannot escape it. This is the new world order. Things changed. Relationships changed. Working models and structures changed. Expectations changed.
So the question is, how are we going to adjust?
How are we going to get motivated and stay motivated when it's not that easy any more?
I believe motivation is your internal fire. You need to ignite it. Sometimes you need something internal to ignite it; and sometimes you need something external. And I have 5 ideas to cover both.
Ready? Let's go!
Made with LOVE ❤️ for a better world, with more love and #ShinyMinds in it...
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
4 Signs You Are Not Self Actualized
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Hello everyone,
Today, I want to talk to you about self-actualization and how it relates to be thankful in life and be grateful for ourselves and our loved ones...
Remember Abraham Maslow? One of the pioneers starting the human potential movement with his hierarchy of needs, back in 1940's?
Well, at the very top his theory of hierarchy of human needs, there is self actualization. Self actualization means you live on purpose. It means you have a calling. And it also means that your talents, your skills, your mindset and your self expression maximize your human potential.
And there are some signs that reveal if you are self-actualized or not. And today, I am going to share 4 signs that reveal you are not self actualized so that you become aware of where you are and commit to your journey of self actualization. And eventually be thankful to your life and say: I LOVE MY LIFE!
Ready? Let's go!
Made with LOVE for a better world, with more love and #ShinyMinds in it...
Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
6 Tips To Improve Your Listening Skills
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Hello everyone,
Hello everyone,
Imagine for one second that your ability to communicate is taken away from you...
How would you feel?
How would you deliver your messages to others?
How would you receive information from others?
And how would you store that information you receive? Which is what we call "listening".
According to neuroscience, the fear center of our brain, amygdala, makes us crave being listened to and heard by others as it aims to protect us from all kinds of threats, including the emotional ones, like the ignorance of others. So as I always say in my Neuro-Shine Technology™, we all want to be seen, heard, appreciated and we all want to be safe with each other.
And it's very important that we know how to do it.
But do we?
Unfortunately we don't know how to listen. There is no specific training or a relationship orientation manual teaching us how to listen, what to do, what not to do.
But, fortunately, you have me!😍 As an ICF accredited coaching education provider, today I'll be sharing 6 tips to improve your listening and the quality of your communication with others.
Ready? Let's go!
Made with LOVE ❤️ for SHINY MINDS...
Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
4 Levels Of Consciousness
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Hello everyone,
Happy birthday week for me!🥳🥰❤️💎 Feeling much more on purpose these days... To elevate the consciousness of our planet...
So this week's topic is levels of consciousness...
Well... We all dance in between 4 levels of consciousness, depending on the frequency of our thoughts: Victim mentality. Personal responsibility. Flow. Oneness.
The unfortunate fact is 97% of the world population lives mostly in victim mentality. And that means people lacking self-love, self-appreciation, feeling frustrated and projecting their unhappy reality on others. That's the biggest mindset problem in the world.
But, the good news is that the mind is elastic/plastic and you can totally rewire your brain and shine your neurons to become a happier you, in flow and oneness.
The first step is becoming aware and then applying the Neuro-Shine Technology™ formula for change:
I'm truly looking forward to helping you grow, become your best self and live your best life on your own terms, in your own Shiny Mind. And it’s our time to unlock our true potential and become who we are meant to be! Because the world needs us, more than ever before to make it a better place. And for that, we'll all need more LOVE and our SHINY MINDS.
With love ❤️
Shiny Unsal
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
5 Signs You Are Not Listening
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Hello everyone,
Happy Thursday and happy belated Valentine's Day. 🌹
Today's topic is "listening" as it's one of the most important qualities in creating and maintaining relationships. Agree?🛎
Don't you feel annoyed when you feel like you are not heard or not even listened to?
Well.. It's exactly the same for others. People are going to feel annoyed if you are not listening to them and this can create big communication problems.
I want to remind you that communication is a two-way street. You might be a master when it comes to selecting the right words, delivering your message with great tonality and perfectly rehearsed body language, and still yet, this does not mean that you are also a master at listening.
In this week's video I'm talking about 5 signs revealing the fact that you are NOT listening:
You can watch the full episode from the link below and see if you are a good listener or not.
To a better world together, with more love ❤️ and #shinyminds ...
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
What Are O.P.O.s?
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Hello everyone,
Today we have a very interesting topic, an acronym that I came up with: O.P.O. (Other People's Opinions)
Did you know that 95% of what you say and do, and even how you live your life is pre-programmed?
This programming comes from society, parents, educators and others that surround you in the form O.P.O.'s.
Which means that not every belief that you have is yours...not every thought that you think is yours. You can become aware of the O.P.O.'s and change them. You don't need to own them. And it's possible with the simple formula of my Neuro-Shine Technology™:
I created Neuro-Shine Technology™ as the ultimate system for enlightenment so that we all can live in alignment with our truth. And this formula for change is the most effective way to measure and achieve alignment within ourself.
If you're ready, let's talk about how!
To a better world with more love and #shinyminds ...
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
4 Ideas To Be Consistent
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
As the proud creator of Neuro-Shine Technology™ and your Neuro-Shine Coach™, I am here to shine those cute little neurons of yours.
Today I am hoping to achieve that by talking about how to be consistent.
According to many different sources of statistics, consistency is one of the hardest achieved skills in the world. If you look at the high performers, they are the ones who are so good at building and maintaining their consistency.
And guess what?
I have 4 ideas to help you become even more consistent!
Let's go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world with more love and #shinyminds ...
By Shiny Burcu Unsal