Shiny Minds are enlightened minds. When we have Shiny Minds, we combine the power of our mind with the wisdom of our heart. We make conscious, heartfelt and wise decisions. We become better. We serve the world better. Build yourself a Shiny Mind and maximize your true potential with the science-backed strategies from NLP, Neuroscience, ICF Coaching, Leadership, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Heart Science, Positive Psychology, Quantum Physics, Metaphysics, Cosmology and my very own Neuro-Shine Technology™. And let’s make this world a better place, with more love ❤️and #ShinyMinds ... ShinyUnsal.com
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
How To Cope With Toxic People
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Hello everyone!
Today, we're going to talk about toxic people!🤨
What a topic, right?
You might have some of them around you, which actually damages your thoughts, emotions and your energy negatively; and you may not even be aware!
But if you are aware and if you really truly need to cope with them then you're going to appreciate these three tips that I'm about to share with you in my video.
If you're ready, let's begin!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
How To Get Rid Of Your Shyness
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Hello everyone!
Today, our topic is shyness. I almost wanted to say, there is a way to go from shyness to shininess, but I didn't. Because we are going to talk about the definition of shyness.
The psychology behind it, the mindset tricks to destroy it. And of course, I am going to give you some incredible tips that you can apply right away and that's why I'm claiming that you'll destroy it after this video because think about it? What is shyness? Why are you shy? Let me tell you my shiny mind, the reason why you might be feeling shy is because that's fear. Yep, you are probably fearful of what people are going to say about you and you're probably focusing more on the negative voices that you hear from your own mind. And it is also very possible that the people that you have been surrounded by.
So far, have not been really helpful. So, shyness is not your personality. You don't need to stay shy; you don't need to just stay silent, quiet, sit on the corner and say nothing. That is not supposed to be the way that you're going to live your life. There is the way to change it, because shyness is not a personality trait. It is that mindset problem. My dear friend.
If you're ready, let's talk about it!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
How To Solve Your Relationship Problems
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Hello everyone!
This week is relationship week!🥰❤️
I am inviting you to deepen your relationship with yourself and others.
You might be having relationship problems with the people around you and you might be wondering why.
Well, you are in the right place because that's exactly what we're going to talk about today.
I'm going to give you powerful tips that you can implement right away so that you can walk out after this video feeling empowered about your relationships.
If you're ready, let's begin!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Learn To Persuade In 5 minutes
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Today is persuasion day!
You know, persuasion, convincing someone is an art as much as it's a science. And it all begins in the mind. It's a mindset game, just like anything else in life.
Think about the last time somebody persuaded you to do something maybe to go for a long walk or maybe to buy something from them. What did really happen?
What made you say "yes" and how were they able to make you say "yes"?
If you're ready let's talk about them!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Quantum Physics, Determination & Power Of Coaching
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Hello everyone!
Let's talk about quantum physics, determination and the power of coaching in just five minutes.
And today you're going to shine those cute little neurons of yours by enhancing and expanding your mindset about quantum physics.
We're gonna go a little bit galactic in my language and we're gonna look at the quantum world, those subatomic particles of yours and make a connection between the quantum physics, determination and the world of coaching.
If you're ready let's begin!
We can create a much better world with a lot of coaching, a lot of love ❤️, and #ShinyMinds.
Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
How To Win All Your Arguments
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Hello everyone!
Today you're gonna shine ✨ your mind about how to win your arguments! 😍
First let's define what an argument is. You argue with people because you don't have agreement. When you don't have agreement, your amygdala is triggered with the motive to defend your opinions so the mental game begins!😄
That's why arguments can get heated sometimes and spiral out of control. And while we all want to win an argument, not making an enemy in the process can be even more important!
In this week's video I'll explain why winning an argument actually is a mindset game.
If you're ready, let's go!
Made with love ❤️️ for a better world, with more love ❤️️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday May 26, 2022
4 Communication Mistakes You Don’t Even Know You Make
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Communication, in my language, is a constant neuro-biological process of storing, exchanging and updating information.
We co-create our reality with the people in our life in the way we communicate. We shape the quality of our life in the way we communicate.
Therefore, we wanna master the way we communicate.
We wanna be aware of the communication mistakes that we make so that we can solve them. So, we can correct them. Is that right?
That’s why, today, we're gonna talk about 4 major communication mistakes that you may not even be aware that you make. And I am going to give you incredible tips from NLP & Coaching. So simple and so effective tips that you can apply right after this video and create instant magic in your life!✨
If you're ready, let's go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday May 19, 2022
How To Destroy Your Anxiety In 5 Minutes
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Hello everyone!
Today, we are talking about anxiety. To be more specific, I gave myself a challenge in this video is to show you: "How to destroy your anxiety in only 5 minutes!"🙈
And as I announced last week, I now have a very entertaining video format. I enjoyed watching it myself 😍 so I am guessing you'll enjoy it too!
If you look at human psychology and being'ness as a whole, anxiety comes up as a sign, as a symptom. It's not the problem itself; it's the symptom of another underlying problem that you may not even be aware of.
That’s why if you want to destroy your anxiety, you got to understand why this is happening first.
And for that, I'll give you a straightforward technique: my favorite formula that I created in my Neuro-Shine Technology.
If you are ready, let's go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday May 12, 2022
How To Make Anyone Respect You
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
Today, we are talking about respect!
Such a heavy word, isn’t it? Just curious, how do you explain respect in your own words? 🤔
How exactly do you feel respected? How can you receive respect in terms of measurable behaviors, words, maybe some sort of energy that you get from others?
Just start thinking about it because today, I'm going to break down respect into two components and I'm going to show you how you can make everyone respect you.
If you’re ready, let’s begin!🥳
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday May 05, 2022
3 Levels Of Listening | Forbes Coaches Council Interview
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
When you study communication, you tend to see tips and tools about how to design your language. You don’t see much about how to take in the language that you are hearing from outside and store it inside. It’s called listening.
I'm going to talk about 3 levels of listening and why they are important for you to become a better communicator.
LEVEL 1: Your own world; it’s all about you
LEVEL 2: Listening for the other person; “become” them
LEVEL 3: Consider timing and environment; is this the right time and place?
To learn more about 3 levels of listening, you can checkout my online course: https://www.shinyunsal.com/listening
To learn more about my Licensed NLP & ICF Approved Coaching certification programs, and to receive a FREE NLP mindset course, you can visit my website: https://www.ShinyUnsal.com/training
And here is how you can find me on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShinyUnsal/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ShinyUnsal/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ShinyUnsal/
With love ❤️
Shiny Unsal