Shiny Minds are enlightened minds. When we have Shiny Minds, we combine the power of our mind with the wisdom of our heart. We make conscious, heartfelt and wise decisions. We become better. We serve the world better. Build yourself a Shiny Mind and maximize your true potential with the science-backed strategies from NLP, Neuroscience, ICF Coaching, Leadership, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Heart Science, Positive Psychology, Quantum Physics, Metaphysics, Cosmology and my very own Neuro-Shine Technology™. And let’s make this world a better place, with more love ❤️and #ShinyMinds ... ShinyUnsal.com
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
An Inspiring Leadership Story
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Today, on my Shiny Minds Show YouTube Channel, I would love to share a very inspiring leadership story with you.
A story that I think will inspire you and make you think twice about your decisions. Especially about your leadership decisions.
It doesn’t matter who you are in your life and who you lead. You can lead teams of hundreds or thousands. You can lead a lot of kids at home. Or you can lead your friends. No matter where your leadership story is, this will be, I believe a very good story.
You'll watch this story with so much curiosity and so much excitement!
As you know Totka, the world needs leaders more than ever before to make it a better place.
And for that, we'll all need more LOVE ❤️ and our SHINY MINDS.
Let's go!
Shiny Unsal
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
How To Start Your Own Meaningful Business
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Hello everyone!
Today, I want to talk to you about how you can start your own meaningful business and I have 4 ideas that I would love to share with you so that you can sit down and you can really work on yourself, discover who you are, who you want to be and why is it important for you to create your own business.
Not only your own business but your own meaningful business, right?
After COVID-19, we don’t live in the same world anymore. We live in a totally different world.
That’s why you really truly want to understand what you want and how you want to live your life and how you can create a meaningful business around your values, around what’s important to you, and your loved ones.
So, if you’re ready, let’s begin!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
ICF Coaching Certification Levels
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Hello Everyone! I am coming to you today as an ICF accredited coaching education provider. I got this question asked all the time. “Shiny, what is the difference between ICF accreditation levels?” As a professional coach, why should I care about my ICF accreditation and why should I go from one level to the other, explain to me. I have been certifying coaches, professional coaches, practitioners and master practitioners of Neuro-Linguistic Programming since the year of 2011. It’s been a while, okay. I’ve been around the clock for a while therefore, I want to share with you why you want to get, not only your certification as a coach but your ICF accreditation as a coach and of course, I am going to talk to you about 3 levels of coaching certifications by the International Coaching Federation.
If you’re ready, Let’s go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
How to Make Others Feel Safe Around You
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Hello everyone!
Today, I want to talk to you about safety and how you as a human being can cultivate safety and trust in others; and of course, why that is important.
Listen! The whole reason I created Neuro-Shine Technology™ as the technology for truth is this: at the core of each and every single one of us as a human being, we want to be safe, seen, heard and appreciated by others. This is the fundamental truth of being a human being and that’s why, I want you to focus on this very basic principle when you are watching this video.
When I am sharing 4 ideas for you to make others feel safe around you, please remember, safety comes first. Let me remind you, this is your brain, half brain and in your emotional brain, in your limbic system, there is a part called the "amygdala" and amygdala is responsible for your survival. Not only your physical survival but also for your emotional survival.
The survival of your opinions, values, beliefs, goals, perspectives, ideas, you get the idea. So, because of this amygdala and because of how we are hard-wired as a human being, safety comes first. If you are not safe, you are not going to stay in that environment. Am I right? That’s exactly why as a human being you need to, have to integrate language patterns, thinking patterns and behavior patterns that are going to make yourself and others feel safe around you.
Are you ready, let’s go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
How To Start Your Coaching Business
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
As an ICF accredited coaching education program provider. I have been teaching NLP skills and coaching skills and certifying coaches, NLP practitioners, master practitioners, professional coaches since 2011.
And of course, it’s been more than a decade by now. And I can tell you there are some patterns and there are some action steps that you can take if you want to really truly create a coaching business. If you are watching this video because you are curious, “Hey, you know, how does it look like or feel like to have a coaching business?” or “How it does look like to have a life as a coach?” Well, I have answers. So, I can tell you a lot about being a coach, having coaching skills and creating a coaching business. I can also tell you what to do, what not to do. And I can give you some examples of best practices from my students from more than 25 countries in the world.
And I can also talk about myself, my coaching business, my training business. You got a point! I love to share it with you. But today, I’m going to share only 4 of those ideas.
If you’re ready, Let’s go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
ICF’s 2022 Regulations For The Coaching World
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Today, our topic is the ICF’S 2022 updated regulations for the coaching world.
There is a lot going on in the coaching industry especially after COVID-19 with the great resignation. A lot people they want to create their own business and they want to work from home and you might be one of them. You might be wondering if you can create a coaching business. You might be wondering what it takes for you to become a coach and maybe you are wondering if this business or the coaching industry itself is going to stay around for a while, right?
Let me start by saying today, as of 2022 according to the research of the International Coaching Federation, the coaching industry is the multi-billion-dollar industry and it is just the starting point, that’s why I want you to be updated and I want you to be informed about what is changing in the world of coaching. Where is this coaching industry going and why you should care?
So, if you are ready, I am going to share 4 ICF’s updated regulations with you.
When you are ready, Let’s begin!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
6 Reasons Why You Need To Learn NLP
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
I would love to talk to you about why you need to learn Neuro-Linguistic Programming today.
Well, I’m going to basically share 6 reasons why you need to learn NLP and you need to understand the benefits of it but of course, it is not limited with 6 reasons. I’m just going to share 6 of them here because I can literally, talk about the benefits of learning NLP and upgrading your life with it. Literally, all-night, all-day, hours, days you got a point but one thing that I can tell you my life story has been definitely transformed after I learned Neuro-Linguistic Programming and of course, my business and my academy of Neuro-Shine Technology has also been transformed with the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
I have been teaching NLP since the year of 2011. So far, I have certified around 500 practitioners and master practitioners and coaches and professional coaches and guess what, it is not the end, this is just the beginning. People from 25 countries in the world from all looks of life they learn NLP, they implemented the power of their mind and the tools of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and they are living higher quality of life.
So, if you’re ready, let’s talk about those 6 reasons why and how you are going to improve your quality of life by learning NLP.
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Why Learning NLP Will Make You an Even Greater Coach
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Hello everyone!
Today, I want to answer the question that I get asked a lot. Shiny, why do I need to learn NLP?
I mean, I am already a coach or I am already a certified coach or even better I’m already an ICF certified coach. I already know what I’m doing. I have experience, I have my clients, everything is good, right? So, if you are one of this types that I’ve mentioned you might be wondering like why do you need to learn NLP. Like, what is it? How is it going to help you and how is it going to make you an even a greater coach? So, I have five ideas and five answers to share with you so that you can understand why learning NLP is going to make you an even greater coach.
If you’re ready, Let’s go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
How To Make Others Heard By You
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Hello everyone!
Today, I want to talk to you about being heard; especially how you can make others heard by you.
Why is this important? If you want to deepen your relationships, if you want to take your life to a whole new level of joy, of understanding, of ease and flow especially with others around you, then you need to pay attention to this topic.
Maybe you are doing some little things that you are unaware which make other people feel like they are not heard or seen, or appreciated by you. Maybe they are feeling insignificant around you and maybe you are not even aware. All the chances are, you’ll probably unaware.
That’s why I created this video so that you can become aware and you can have some ideas about how to reverse it and I am going to share four ideas and four specific examples for you to make others feel "heard" by you.
If you’re ready, let’s begin!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
3 Signs That Show You Regret
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Today, I want to talk about regret.
Sometimes you regret things and you are not aware. Why? You might be in denial, you might be justifying, or you might be thinking that it will all pass. But, the truth of the matter is that, you truly regret and it might be the time to really sit down, clarify how you feel, so that you can make a more informed decision.
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal