Shiny Minds are enlightened minds. When we have Shiny Minds, we combine the power of our mind with the wisdom of our heart. We make conscious, heartfelt and wise decisions. We become better. We serve the world better. Build yourself a Shiny Mind and maximize your true potential with the science-backed strategies from NLP, Neuroscience, ICF Coaching, Leadership, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Heart Science, Positive Psychology, Quantum Physics, Metaphysics, Cosmology and my very own Neuro-Shine Technology™. And let’s make this world a better place, with more love ❤️and #ShinyMinds ... ShinyUnsal.com
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
How Quantum Physics 🧬 Shapes Your Daily Behaviors
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Dear Shiny Minds,
Let's talk about Energy - Quantum Physics and Human Behaviors. We're gonna go deep today, all the way to your sub-atomic particles.
Did you know that you can literally measure, see, and take a picture of your energy? It's called Kirlian photography, you can google it.
In my perspective, after 15+ years of research on and experience working with "humans", there are different ways to look at energy:
👉 We can talk about your aura, your chakras (energy centers) and the implications of your metaphysical psychology in your behaviors
👉 We can talk about the vibrational level/s of your thoughts, language and behaviors and how you create your own reality and literally shape the limits of your own geometry within the multidimensional universe we live
👉 We can talk about your overall energy and information flow which is the scientific explanation of the human mind
👉 And we can also go all the way down to quantum mechanics of your energy to observe it at the subatomic particles level and then go right back up to cosmology to grab some insights about the structure of the universe and then apply it all right into your psychology and mental mechanics to measure your every day behaviors
How does it sound?
That's kinda what I'm planing to do today. 🧐
Buckle up, it's gonna be the most practical scientific piece of information you've ever heard.
And let's go!
Made with love for a better world, with more #love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Living Your Best Life:🪄🧠 The Magic of Responsibility Mindset
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Hello Shiny Minds!
Today, we're talking about living our best life!
How do we achieve that? Well I do have a magic word: responsibility.
As we officially entered the last two months of 2023, we kinda wanna finish the year feeling "complete" and ready to #shine in 2024, right?
Well, so, as part of our mindset tools, "responsibility mindset" is going to remind you that this is your life and you need to take ownership of your life. It's nobody's business, it's yours. It's your life, your mindset, your own thoughts, your ideas, your language, your behaviors and your results you receive in life. You are responsible for them. All of them. It's nobody else's business. It's completely yours!
How is that for a conversation about responsibility?
Well this empowers you!
Trust me when you have nobody else to blame but yourself; nobody else to report to but yourself, you automatically get in charge!
And stay in charge!
You own your life.
If you are not happy at your work, you figure out what to change and how, and you do it.
If you are not happy in your relationship, you figure out what to do and how, then you go ahead and do it.
If you wanna live your best life, you figure out how and you do it.
You just do stuff. Because you are the only one who is responsible for it.
And that's why it's so empowering and so liberating!
If you're not responsible, guess what happens? You don't improve, you don't take action and you don't change anything and at the end, you're not happy. So, it all comes down to happiness, fulfillment and living your best life, as your best version.
That's why we'll cover 3 signs that will show you that may not be taking full responsibility of your life. So it might be TIME to change things around ;)
If you're ready, let's go!
If you'd love to learn more about your mindset + how you can rewire your brain for more freedom, more success and more fulfillment with Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, etc. + the 4 mental states your mind functions within + how you can stop thinking and feeling like a victim of your life and start taking FULL responsibility of your life, get my mindset principles intro digital course now, not for $197 but only for $7!
Happy November!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Emotional Intelligence 101: 📚 The 8 Primary Emotions You Must Know
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Hello Shiny Minds,
Today, we're talking about your basic human emotions! What they are and how you can become aware of them.
Because self-awareness is the most important skill as part of your emotional intelligence. And knowing how to name your emotions is the first step of that emotional self-awareness. If you don't even understand how you feel, how can you expect to understand yourself and others at a deeper level; or to create any change in your life, right?
That's why, in today's video, I'll use the wheel of emotions which was created by Robert Plutchik back in 2001 and talk to you about the fascinating world of basic human emotions.
If you're ready, let's go! This will be delicious!
Made with love for a better world, with more #love and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Emotionally Intelligent Living: 🧩 Exploring the 5 Key Components
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Hello everyone!
Did you know that your heart ❤️ sends more information to your brain than your brain sends to your heart?
Your heart is powerful. Your heart is wise. And this little piece of information is very important for you, because:
- If you're too much in the head, like most of the people, you might lose the wisdom of your heart.
- And if you're too much in the heart, then you might lose the logic and cognitive intelligence of your mind.
What do you need then?
Well, we all need a great balance between these two.
That's why I created my Neuro-Shine Technology™ so that you could combine the power of your mind with the wisdom of your heart to maximize your potential and become very emotionally intelligent.
And today, we're going to talk about 5 components of emotional intelligence.
If you're ready, let's go!
Made with joy for a better world, with more #love and #shinyminds ...
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
P.S. To learn more and improve your emotional intelligence skills, get my digital EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE course not for $197 but FOR ONLY $17! 🤯
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Leading with Purpose: ❤️ The Impact of Intentionality in Leadership
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Hello everyone,
This week, my topic is LEADERSHIP.
I've been teaching Leadership Communication Strategies at UCLA Extension since 2012. I have graduated about 1,000 working professionals and mid-level managers from my leadership class.
To me leadership is a mindset. It has nothing to do with your title, your position in the company, your income or your status... Leadership is a heart-centered ❤️ mindset technology that very few people can truly understand and embody.
So I have a lot to share when it comes to leadership but I'm gonna keep it at four items so that we can really narrow it down and I can give you some very juicy, delicious, exceptional leadership skills.
If you're ready, let's go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world with more #love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds in it...
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Unlocking the Power of a Growth Mindset: 🧠 Key Characteristics and Benefits
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Hello everyone,
As October begins, we're embracing the theme of growth, and today's discussion revolves around the idea of a Growth Mindset.
Let's kick things off by defining what a Growth Mindset entails:
A Growth Mindset is all about believing in your ability to learn and enhance various aspects of your life, including your intelligence.
We're aware that there are multiple forms of intelligence - emotional, social, professional, financial, and even spiritual - all of which can be continually developed.
The key to this development lies in "neuroplasticity," the remarkable adaptability of our brain. It's like a flexible, agile, and incredibly fluid instrument; almost like a cosmic machine for growth and transformation.
Now, when you have a Growth Mindset, there are signs to recognize it. And that's what we're gonna talk about in this week's video!
If you're ready, let's go!
Made with love for a better world, with more #love and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Neuro-Shine Moments™: Hugging 🤗 Your Truth and Owning Your Calling Inbox
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
The Power of Your Inner Team: Mastering Your Inner Voices
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Hello dear Shiny Minds!
Today we are talking about your inner world and your inner team.
What a topic, isn't it? 😊
As you can guess, your inner team is those different parts of you that talk to you, or make it easier to visualize your thoughts in your head, and/or help you feel, all day, every day :)
They all are a part of your decision making process, either you're aware or not. Their input can either make you or brake you! And the real question is, who calls the shots as the ultimate decision maker? 🤔 Right?
In today's video, I'd like to introduce you to your inner team, and to your ultimate decision maker, so you get to choose A players in your team; and improve your decision making abilities!
If you're ready, let's go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds.
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Hello everyone,
This week our topic is your personal branding!
I love this topic, because, before I started my own business I worked in the advertising and marketing world for a decade. And I've done some major marketing and branding for Fortune 500 Brands like Coca Cola, Gillette, Kotex, Avon, Audi, and BP, etc.. And gosh, I even received awards for some of my creative marketing campaigns!
Then I created my own branding for my "Neuro-Shine Technology™" after I named myself "Shiny" in 2015, with my new "Shiny Mind" since I had a ton of "Neuro-Shine Moments™". And I also helped hundreds of people with their personal branding, including a dear IG Influencer friend... So you can tell that I know a thing or two when it comes to marketing and branding ;)
And I can tell that there is a direct correlation between understanding human psychology and human marketing. There is also a direct correlation between how you think, how you communicate who you are, how you show up in the world and how you create your personal branding.
That's why today I'll share my 4 C's of personal branding with you so that you can look at your own personal branding from a different perspective.
If you're ready, let's go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more #love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds...
by Shiny Burcu Unsal
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Spark and Shine: Reviving Enthusiasm in Your Daily Life! ✨
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Dear {{ first_name }},
Today I'd love to talk to you about your spark, the juice of life, your excitement, your enthusiasm and how you can feel more alive, more consistently and more intentionally... ❤️
This can be a topic you may not even think about. Because unless we intentionally design our life, we live on autopilot. We're in the "doing, doing, doing, doing mode" and we forget to live by design and ask ourselves: "Wait a minute, why am I doing all that?" "What is the purpose?"
So, the idea of having your spark and bringing the joy energy back into your life is going to improve the quality of your life immensely. And as you improve the quality of your life you also improve your overall energy and with your energy you also improve the quality of your relationships.
If you're ready I have some ideas. Let's go!
Made with love ❤️ for a better world, with more love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds ...
by Shiny Burcu Unsal